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Being a perfect parent doesn’t exist ..

Parent Tip Tuesday...

Let’s talk about this. When I had my kids at age 25 and 28, I was a new little Army Officer still trying to figure out life as a dual military family and spouse. I tried so hard to be the “perfect” parent. It wasn’t until later that I realized thad shit doesn’t exist. I never hired a nanny until 14 years into my career because I thought I could do it all. After going through 4 of them I had the talk with the kids. When dad isn’t home, this team of 3 can do this. Since my daughter is the oldest, she always helped out with her brother. She grew up faster than I would have wanted but let’s be real. This life was hard as hell. I had to have the real talk about how I was struggling and that mommy was gonna lose her shit. No more acting like I’ve got it all together. This was real life. There was definitely no such thing as being a perfect parent. No books. No stories. Nothing. Being real was all I had left.






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