Fun facts that some of you probably didn’t know...
*Both of my parents are from Lima, Peru 🇵🇪
* I was born in New Jersey but was actually raised in Simi Valley, CA
* I wanted to be a singer and on @americanidol; actually took voice and piano for 5 years
* I performed in high school plays (@lareinaregentsofficial )
and I was both nervous as hell yet loved it at the same time.
How I ended up in the @usarmy is a whole other story that will be told at a later date.
Who knew right?
Tell me some fun facts about you —
#peruviangirl #jerseygirl #limaperu #onceaspiringsinger #americanidoldreams #smalltowngirl #caligirl #armygirl #armyvet #combatvet #retiredvet #lareinaalum #classof1994 #momofteens #awilridecalledlife @a_wild_ride_called_life
