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How something so small turned into something so big..

Happy Monday to a new week in November. I can't even believe how fast time is flying by.

Today, I wanted to highlight a very special lady whom I had the pleasure of meeting in our Rosie Chapter Cohort class... are you noticing a theme here? I am one lucky girl to have been chosen to be surrounded by so many amazing ladies. Seriously!

Elizabeth (E'Beth) Goad is a Military Spouse, Former Plus Size and Champion at Starting Over. That title itself hit all the feels. She is a turned paralegal student into a wardrobe stylist. How does one decide that? Find our more at her site

The reason I am specifically speaking about her is not because of her already amazing story, but because of what she has done for me personally. Something so small as coming to "save my closet" turned into something as big as "saving me from me".

It all started from many years ago of suffering from depression. I turned to retail therapy as a temporary fix of making me happy. A little retail therapy here and there turned into a much bigger problem for me. I became obsessed with having all the things and then it would just sit in my closet with the tags still on. I didn't even wear 75% of what I had. When we were introducing ourselves in class and E'Beth mentioned what she did, I just knew that I "needed" her in my life. Some of you may or may not understand, but this very beautiful soul with the infectious smile was sent to me for a reason.

After a few classes of me trying to talk myself out of it, I went up to her and said "please help me". I was serious. We spoke, she sent me her brochure and all the things that she focused on and I was sold. She came to my house, didn't judge :) and we talked openly about what I needed and what I had to do. It was no easy task but a few months later, She has changed my mindset. I was no longer buying just to buy. I was no longer waking up dreading leaving the house because I didn't know what to wear. Yes, that is a real and true feeling. This is not something that I used to share lightly. It weighed heavy on my heart because I was embarrassed and ashamed. E'Beth made me feel very comfortable and helped me.

I am still able to message her when I have questions and without hesitation she is always there. Something so small... yes, it is huge for me. I am going to share with you my personal put together looks just from some of my outfits that sat in the closet for years. She brought them back to life. It may or not be your style and that is ok.

If you would like to book her then please do so here. You will NOT be disappointed.

I am not being paid for any promotions or

for sharing this story. This is all me in real and true fashion sharing how one woman empowered another in something as small as saving her closet.

Thank you sweet lady for all that you do and for being you.


1 Comment

Dec 09, 2019

There is reason for everything. Everything is connected in one way or another. When we understand this, the strands that tie it all together start to become detectable to us and amazing things can happen.

The only way to fail, is to quit.


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