When the PA says “welcome back” every time he sees me it means I am here far too often.
Today I am getting my new hip checked out. They need to make sure it is working properly. Never did I think I would have had a hip replacement at the age of 43. Even though it hurts when I get up and walk too far, at least I am still here right? I’m not gonna lie. I am a little tired of this crap. The one year anniversary of the accident is coming up and I am not sure how I am going to feel about it. I often get flashbacks and it can get emotional. It’s all part of the healing process...I think.
Sp today, I wear one of my favorite tees ever. I need every color for everyday.
Relax and embrace the crazy Annette. It’s going to be ok.
#postopappointment #walterreednationalmilitarymedicalcenter #newhip #hipreplacement #armyvet #traumasurvivor #mentalhealthadvocate #blogger #speaker #coach #reallife #relaxandembracethecrazy #awilridecalledlife @a_wild_ride_called_life
