This morning I signed up to be a part of @mealtrain for a family who lost their 16 yr old, high school sophomore daughter to suicide. I can’t even. It was the least I could do. As a side note, this meal train app is amazing. My neighborhood did this for my family while Haeli and I were in the hospital after the car accident. The fact that we were brand new to the neighborhood and that they came together to do this was nothing I could have ever expected. I love these people.
When I saw the post about lifting up this family in prayers and anything else we could help with, I immediately jumped in. I sent the family a note and signed up to bring a meal to their house.
I still cry when I think about what the family is going through.
Children, teens and hell even adults who suffer from depression is REAL.
The teens don’t know how to handle this. They suffer so deeply inside their core that they feel there is no other way.
Please keep an eye on your kids. Please talk to them. Please listen. They need to be taken seriously. Their mental health is so real and they need to know that it is ok to talk about it.
We need to help them and we need to do it now !
#mealtrain #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #teenagedepression #teenagesuicide #stopteenagesuicide #listen #talk #ptsdrecovery #ptsdawareness #followmeonawildridecalledlife #motivationalspeaker #blogger #themightysite #medium #awildridecalledlife @a_wild_ride_called_life @militaryfamiliesmagazine @theellenshow @themightysite @medium
