18 weeks ago I thought of myself as “just a blogger”.....
I am a retired army combat veteran, mother, military spouse, mental health advocate, fighter, friend living with PTSD, anxiety and depression.
The tribe that I have found within the THE ROSIE NETWORK has been much more than I could have ever imagined. The women are inspiring, motivating and life saving.
I am so grateful for Stephanie Brown and the rest of the amazing women who showed up, provided knowledge and opened up our eyes to things we didn’t know about.
Jamie Muskopf Justine Evirs Laura Early are just among some of the few who helped motivate this class of amazing women.
Thank you for the past 16 weeks of helping me find more of my voice, helping me spread the word and help #endthestigma on #mentalillness.
I am not just a blogger. I am an advocate. I am an entrepreneur and helping people is my passion.
